Removing Barriers: Using Online Orientation and Support Resources to Improve Access and Equity

September 15, 2021
COVID-19 has created an opportunity to reexamine how we support our diverse student population, with equity and access at the forefront of our conversations. The increased use of technology has further impacted the equity gap and it is essential that higher education make learning accessible to all.
How can community colleges continue to provide online support post-pandemic to make sure the needs of all students are being met? Having transitioned to fully online courses and support services during COVID-19, Oakland Community College saw the benefits of offering integrated online services such as orientation, support services, and interventions to increase learners' persistence and retention and move diversity initiatives forward.
Using Oakland Community College as a case study, we will examine how community colleges can support all students using technology from recruitment to graduation. At key points in the student lifecycle, we will demonstrate how using these technology interventions encourages students to persist instead of panic. We will focus on orientation, onboarding, the first year, and students on academic probation. The presenter will discuss how using online tools such as online orientation (Go2Orientation) and online student success workshops (StudentLingo) not only guides students through starting college, but also prepares them to be college students.
Introduction: Rufus Glasper, President and CEO, League for Innovation in the Community College
Presenter: Beverly Stanbrough, Dean, College Readiness, Oakland Community College