Terry O'Banion Student Technology Awards

The 2023-2024 Terry O'Banion Student Technology Awards are now closed. Check back later for winner information.

The League for Innovation in the Community College invites League Board and Alliance member colleges* to nominate outstanding community college technology students for the 2023-2024 Terry O'Banion Student Technology Awards from September 1 to October 31, 2023. This award honors two deserving students who demonstrate (1) special talent in technology, (2) passion about moving toward a career in technology, (3) academic excellence, and (4) strong financial need.

Award winners are designated as a Student Technology Champion or Student Developer Champion:

  • The Student Technology Champion award is presented to a student with a career interest in a technology field other than software development (e.g., hardware engineering, network administration, cybersecurity).
  • The Student Developer Champion award is presented to a student with a career focus specifically in software development (e.g., programming, web development, SQL administration).

Winners will receive $1,000 each to be used for educational expenses (e.g., tuition, fees) and a plaque commemorating their achievement. The awards will be mailed to nominating faculty/staff for distribution and announced at the 2024 Innovations Conference.

*Each separately accredited League member institution may submit one nomination for Student Technology Champion and one nomination for Student Developer Champion. Please communicate with your colleagues to avoid more than one submission for each category. (Dual enrollment high school and early college students are not eligible.)

To find out more about how your college can participate in League awards, contact Kelly Dooling.

Learn about recent award winners here.

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