The CCTI Toolkit is a deliverable of the College and Career Transitions Initiative (CCTI). The toolkit was created by the fifteen CCTI exemplar sites. The purpose of this toolkit is to share information that has been generated by each of the sites in their CCTI work. Users can view each site's toolkit information by clicking on the site name. The toolkit includes a brief summary of the project underway at each site, a listing of the secondary and business partners and contact information. Perhaps of greatest interest will be the project documents that can be accessed by clicking on the documents listed in the upper right hand corner of the page. Initially the documents included are the sites's case study report, their project improvement plan, a listing of their primary strategies, and their Career Pathways template.
CCTI is a federally funded project administered by the League for Innovation in the Community College Consortium in cooperation with several nationally recognized partner organizations. The main purpose of CCTI is to strengthen the role of the community and technical colleges in easing student transitions between secondary and postsecondary education and into employment and improving academic performance at both the secondary and postsecondary levels.
The work reported herein was supported under the College and Career Transitions Initiative (V051B0200001) as administered by the Office of Vocational and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education.
However, the contents do not necessarily represent the positions or policies of the Office of Vocational and Adult Education or the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
Site Partnerships by Occupational Cluster
Education and Training
Anne Arundel Community College (MD)
Lorain County Community College (OH)
Maricopa Community Colleges (AZ)
Health Science
Ivy Tech State Community College (IN)
Northern Virginia Community College (VA)
Information Technology
Central Piedmont Community College (NC)
Corning Community College (NY)
Southwestern Oregon Community College (OR)
Law, Public Safety, and Security
Fox Valley Technical College (WI)
Prince George’s Community College (MD)
Miramar College - San Diego Community College District (CA)
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Lehigh Carbon Community College (PA)