Project Summary
Corning Community College's CCTI Project in Information Technology emphasizes the design, implementation, and evaluation of strategies that will positively impact the five CCTI Outcomes. Systemic change in the secondary-postsecondary educational continuum, as a result of the CCTI impetus, is the ultimate outcome we seek.
Corning Community College (CCC) is a leading partner and fiscal agent in the Central Southern Tier Tech Prep Consortium. The CCTI Project coordinates directly with three of our fourteen secondary partners. Registered Tech Prep/CCTI students in Information Technology career pathways serve as the principal individuals in the CCTI Project.
Successful strategies, piloted with the targeted Tech Prep/CCTI IT students, will be replicated with all consortium partners, to significantly impact student readiness, transition, and persistence. Strategies focus on the areas of Career Pathway development, Student success courses, Benchmark assessment, Collaborative curriculum alignment, Professional development opportunities, Individual student career planning, Student support system enhancement, Career awareness development, and Articulation amplification.
The CCTI Project is energizing CCC to lead the collaborative postsecondary-to-secondary initiative that complements our secondary-to-postsecondary focused Tech Prep efforts. Coordinated innovative approaches will enhance the creation of a truly seamless, student-focused education and career pathway.
Project Documents
School Partners
Campbell-Savona High School, Greater Southern Tier B.O.C.E.S., and Watkins Glen High School
Corporate Partners
Corning, Inc., Dresser-Rand, and Career Development Council