Project Summary
The College and Careers Transitions Initiative Grant is an important resource for Southwestern Oregon Community College in realizing the college goals to 1) ease student transitions between high school and college education as well as transitions to employment, 2) improve academic performance at both levels, and 3) increase student persistence.
Southwestern has been collaborating with two district IT focused charter high schools to develop Information Technology Career Pathways to facilitate high school to college transition. Southwestern has also received an Oregon Department of Education Challenge Grant; this is compatible grant to develop an Oregon model for IT curriculum pathway from high school to college. This newly formed pathway will assist high school students transitioning to community colleges or universities as well as, assisting community college students transitioning to universities. The pathway includes IT core knowledge, skills, and prerequisites for successful postsecondary alignment.
Special emphasis is being given to increasing the success of high school and college students in mathematics and language arts. The goal is to improve the academic performance at both levels and decrease the need for remediation. High school and college teachers are working as teams to achieve these goals. The teams participated in the High Schools That Work Initiative in 2004. All of the above are important elements in increasing student persistence. The results of the HSSSE and the CCSSE will help guide activities to increase student engagement and thus, increasing persistence.
The College is improving and enhancing our relationships with district high schools by facilitating high school to college transitions through collaborative efforts. Creative methods are being devised to maximize the high school and college resources in financially these hard times benefiting the student with smoother transitions to college, as well as affordable and relevant education.
Project Documents
School Partners
Brookings High School, Coquille High School, Marshfield High School, ORCO Tech Charter School/North Bend High School, and Reedsport High School
Corporate Partners
Bay Area Hospital, ORCA Communications, Oregon Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development Office of Professional Technical Education, South Coast Education Service District, and Southwestern University Center