Project Summary
Fox Valley Technical College is funding curriculum and learning object development for a course entitled Employment Options in Criminal Justice Careers, which will be offered on KSCADE, our high school distance educational network, and will complement the current popular offering of Intro to Criminal Justice. The course will enable high school juniors and seniors to explore careers in criminal justice including police science, private investigation, forensics, secret service, FBI, cyber security and a variety of government positions that require a criminal justice background.
FVTC chose Law, Public Safety and Security due to the heightened national focus on criminal justice careers and to the excellence of our criminal justice program, which has become the largest criminal justice training program in the US with over $40 million in the federal grants portfolio within the past decade. Cohort students will receive technical college credit for both KSCADE courses, as well as advanced standing credit for any high school courses articulated at FVTC. Learning objects, which are web-based, multi-media, interactive, reusable chunks of knowledge, will be developed to begin the development of a Criminal Justice Digital Learning Library.
A full day 'capstone' exploratory session will be offered at the culmination of the course bringing the students into the state-of-the-art FVTC Criminal Justice Center of Excellence facilities including the crime scene lab, simulation firing range, and secure Internet lab, requiring the students to employ hands-on technical and applied academic skills reflecting the realities of daily life in law enforcement.
Project Documents
School Partners
Chilton School District, Oshkosh North High School, and other KSCADE distance education high school sites
Corporate Partners
Appleton Police Department, Bay Lakes Boy Scouts of America, FVTC, Oshkosh Police Department, Outagamie County, CESA 6, and Diversified Investigations