Project Summary
The San Diego Community College District site partnership is focused on developing and implementing innovative strategies to enhance academic performance and transition of students interested in pursuing careers in Public Safety from LEADS (Lead, Achieve, Explore, Discover, and Serve) High School, San Diego Educational Complex to San Diego Miramar College.
LEADS High School, housed within San Diego Educational Complex, is a new, re-designed small school that will prepare ethnically and culturally diverse high school students for careers in law enforcement. The rigorous curriculum will center on teaching academic foundation skills in Math, Science, and English through contextual learning activities related to law, public safety and security. Curriculum for the technical courses has been aligned with programs in Administration of Justice and Legal Assisting at Miramar College.
The college is taking a leadership role in providing early college experiences for students and curriculum development support to ensure that the LEADS students are better prepared for college transition. College activities have been infused throughout the high school experience and include opportunities to earn dual credit through Tech Prep as well as providing work based learning enrichment activities. Highlights of the projects include: 1) an online college course that is offered to high school seniors 2) the redesign of a fully transferable course to the California State University and the University of California educational systems that will be delivered in a three module format and 3) expansion of the program of study into two additional sectors of Public Safety, Emergency Medical Technology (EMT) and Fire Technology, through partnerships with 2 additional high schools.
Project Documents
Career Pathways - Law Enforcement
School Partners
LEADS High School – San Diego Educational Complex
Corporate Partners
San Diego Police Department, American Corporate Council Association, and Association of Legal Administrators