Project Summary
The College and Careers Transition Initiative in St. Louis is a partnership of St. Louis Community College, seven local high schools, economic development and education agencies and local businesses formed to implement an Academy of Engineering Technology. The Academy delivers a career pathway in engineering technology that begins in the 9th grade and continues through grade 14 with further articulation to a B.S. in Industrial Technology. The curriculum at the secondary level is Project Lead the Way (PLTW). PLTW is a sequence of five pre-engineering courses paired with a requirement of four years of college prep' math. St. Louis Community College grants 12 hours of credit to students completing the secondary sequence that can be applied to several engineering technology degree or certificate options. Several strategies have been employed to implement a rigorous career pathway and address the five CCTI outcomes. The participating schools have agreed to adopt much of the basic college entrance requirements for the State college system as the
Project Documents
School Partners
Hazelwood Missouri School District, Metropolitan Vocational Technical Cooperative, and Riverview Gardens High School
Corporate Partners
Mallinckrodt, Inc., GKN Aerospace, Boeing, and Ameren