Stop, Drop, Enroll! A Research Study on Persistence Is Changing Institutional Culture
In the summer of 2019, Hennepin Technical College (HTC), in partnership with two other organizations, completed a research study of more than 23,000 students to understand why students do not persist. Based on the Stop, Drop, Enroll! research, HTC updated its Strategic Enrollment Management Plan to increase persistence rates targeting underrepresented populations. The college’s most significant outcome this year was the implementation of a retention dashboard to follow up with students who withdraw from a class. HTC also revised its holds procedures to provide a clear call to action for students and implemented a new advising model that has resulted in increased collaboration with faculty. In FY21, HTC will develop a blueprint for collective action with partners to close disparities and increase overall persistence for students. One initiative being created includes two-way communications, beyond surveys, between our K-12 partners that will support the successful transition of students to HTC.
Innovators: Jessica Lauritsen, Debra Newgard, Michelle Obergfoll, Leanne Rogstad, Shannon Thomas, Sang Yang