Barber Styling Instructor Cuts Up Online
A barbering instructor at Louisiana Delta Community College (LDCC) developed an innovative approach to teaching during the COVID-19 crisis. Everyone had to quickly transition content online, but how this faculty member did so was unique. Students filmed cuts on their dolls and family members and sent them to the instructor, who responded with ways they could improve. In addition, she taught new cuts online and many classes included free lessons by professionals in the field. This experience afforded students the opportunity to learn different styles of cutting that are not traditionally covered in the program. Because the classes are helping students with complex schedules to finish the program, LDCC is planning to keep a hybrid option going forward. Almost half the students said they were able to learn better and coordinate life easier with hybrid classes. In addition, more students have registered for classes this summer than last summer. Life demanded creativity and ingenuity for an unusual time, and this instructor answered the call.
Innovator: Tracie Carroll