League Excellence Awards

Congratulations to the 2024-2025 Excellence Award recipients!

The League for Innovation has been dedicated to informing, inspiring, and celebrating innovation in learning, teaching, staff development, and student success for over 50 years. Since 2012, we’ve been recognizing outstanding faculty, staff, and leaders in the community college field who have made a significant difference in the lives of students and in the communities their colleges serve with Excellence Awards.

Participation in these awards is a League membership benefit. While we recognize that industry partners, community representatives, and students may be involved in college efforts, these awards are strictly for college employees.

From early September to December 2, 2024, we invite all League Board and Alliance member colleges and systems to submit* the name(s) of those at their institutions who exemplify exceptional teaching and leadership for 2024-2025 League Excellence Awards. Each member institution facilitates its own recipient selection process.

*The designated Excellence Awards contact at each institution is responsible for administering this award and submitting recipient names.

Learn more via the links below:

Award FAQ

Award Recipient Recognition

To find out more about this award and how your college can participate, contact Kelly Dooling.


Recipients by Year

2024-2025 Excellence Awards

2023-2024 Excellence Awards

League Awards Program

League Awards Slideshow

2022-2023 Excellence Awards

League Awards Program

League Awards Slideshow

2021-2022 Excellence Awards

League Awards Program

League Awards Slideshow

2020-2021 Excellence Awards

League Awards Program

League Awards Slideshow

2019 Excellence Awards

Excellence Awards Program

2018 Excellence Awards

Excellence Awards Program

Recipient Photos From 2019 Innovations Conference

2017 Excellence Awards

Excellence Awards Program

Recipient Photos From 2018 Innovations Conference - Part 1

Recipient Photos From 2018 Innovations Conference - Part 2

Recipient Photos From 2018 Innovations Conference - Part 3

2016 Excellence Awards

Excellence Awards Program

Recipient Photos From 2017 Innovations Conference

2015 Excellence Awards Program

2014 Excellence Awards Program

2013 Excellence Awards Program

2012 Excellence Awards Program

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